Business Services
Glenview, IL
From a small family loan of $10,000 in 1957 to a global company with more than 8,700 employees in over 50 countries, Anixter has been redefining the distribution of wire and cable for nearly 60 years.
When Anixter wrote The Blue Book in 1968, the company reached more than $10 million in sales and had 700 employees. By 1980, Anixter had more than 2,000 employees and added locations in Canada and the United Kingdom. As the millennium drew to a close, Anixter doubled its workforce, topped $1 billion in sales and had locations in Latin America, Asia and the South Pacific.
In the first decade of the 2000s, Anixter achieved $6 billion in sales, had more than 8,200 employees and served markets as diverse as fasteners, physical security and data communications.
Since 2010, Anixter has increased the physical security business and made its largest acquisition to date, which saw the company branch into complementary utility power solutions.
For a company that speaks 30 languages and has approximately 130,000 customers worldwide, Anixter has grown remarkably from the first day Alan and Bill Anixter started to cut wire to length with the help of their mother's loan.